Our Work
Hui Aloha works to build connection between houseless and housed people through regular service projects in Wai‘anae, Waimānalo, Sand Island, and other parts of urban Honolulu.
We harness community support for village-style, communal housing, and other creative pathways home for our unhoused neighbors.
We advocate for new approaches to homelessness that include the voices and initiative of houseless people as part of the solution.
Pu‘uhonua O Wai‘anae (POW) is a self-organized village of 250 people living unhoused at the Wai‘anae Boat Harbor. Hui Aloha supports POW’s community service activities, including its keiki education programs, coastal cleanups, and outreach to other houseless people across O‘ahu. Hui Aloha also provides fundraising, communications, and development support for the construction of POW Farm Village, which will be the permanent home for the people and programs of POW. Support POW.

Hui Aloha helped organize weekly beach cleanups anchored by houseless residents of Waimānalo Beach Park. The Waimānalo ‘Ohana (as Beach Park residents call themselves) now works with the nonprofit 808 Cleanups to restore Muliwaiʻōlena a site of environmental, cultural, and educational importance. When Blanche McMillan proposed a tiny home village in Waimānalo, a group from the Beach Park helped with site work and construction, and was among the first to move in to Blanche’s kauhale.

We will not solve homelessness unless houseless people themselves are part of the solution. We work to open seats at the table for houseless people to participate in discussions with government, philanthropy, service providers, and community leaders. With Hui Aloha support, houseless individuals have testified before the City Council and State Legislature; participated in Neighborhood Board meetings; and been invited to join groups such as the Affordable Hawaii for All Fellows, the City’s CORE Working Group, and the House Sub-Committee on COVID & Housing.