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“We Are All in This Together”

Updated: Jul 1, 2020

Hui Aloha’s current outreach focuses on the community issue of homelessness. One interaction at a time, we work to build understanding and trusting relationships between housed and houseless individuals by connecting person to person.  

These relationships often start with getting to know each other: simply talking story over coffee in the park and sharing our life experiences, concerns, and joys.

"It is very important to build relationships. You don’t need to put yourself in their shoes because you are already in their shoes. We are in this together." -- Twinkle Borge (TB)

We have built relationships while noticing what we might do to maintain the public spaces where houseless friends make their homes. We build community by working together to address problems like litter and bathroom maintenance, all while nurturing shared kuleana for grounds and facilities.

"When I go and do outreach, that means searching for answers. I have so many questions in my head about how we can help our people. And I follow what my heart tells me." --TB 

We have spent time together preparing and sharing meals and bringing our families and friends (both housed and houseless) together.

Aunty Twinkle says, we have been working to “wake up our mana” by doing work that uplifts our spirits, reveals our gifts, and grows our passions. 

Together, we have been dreaming about and finding ways to meet bigger challenges, build bigger dreams and serve our communities.

"Think how we can come with a solution and follow our heart. We’re not going be the whole solution 100% but we can be part of the solution. I rather be part of the solution than nothing." -- TB

This outreach has taught us that we need each other. We grow by sharing in the rich diversity of life experiences, questions, challenges, talents, joy that each person brings to shared learning, work, growth, and fun!

"We’re not running on grants, we run on faith. Continue to work with the people, for the people and it’s about the people. We can serve the people with dignity and love because that’s one thing taken away from us—the aloha.

I do it because I love the people." -- TB.

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