Hui Aloha is a movement to grow Aloha, the sense of “oneness” that is Hawaiʻi’s gift to us all.
Modern life produces strain and separation, with homelessness one of the more visible results. We work to mend separation by partnering houseless and housed people in service projects that benefit their neighborhoods. A renewed sense of community makes "village" solutions to homelessness possible, and helps all of us find healing, purpose, and hope together.

Our commitment to Aloha is rooted in our love for these islands.
Queen Lili‘uokalani. Photo: Hawai'i State Archives
“I could not turn back the time for the political change, but there is still time to save our heritage. You must remember never to cease to act because you fear you may fail. The way to lose any earthly kingdom is to be inflexible, intolerant, and prejudicial. Another way is to be too flexible, tolerant of too many wrongs, and without judgment at all. It is a razor’s edge. It is the width of a blade of pili grass. To gain the kingdom of heaven is to hear what is not said, to see what cannot be seen, and to know the unknowable – that is Aloha. All things in this world are two: in heaven there is but One." -Queen Lili‘uokalani
In the words of Aunty Pilahi Paki, Aloha “was the working philosophy of native Hawaiians and was presented as a gift to the people of Hawaiʻi. The world will turn to Hawaiʻi as they search for world peace because Hawaiʻi has the key…and that key is Aloha!” Aloha has no simple translation.
One powerful interpretation was offered by Queen Lili‘uokalani after the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy: